Entries by cmotzek

Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

Digital transformation and the associated (IT) change management have evolved from buzzwords to important drivers in companies. German SMEs are also catching up with these important developments, albeit still hesitantly. Many entrepreneurs shy away from major upheavals in their IT landscapes. Often, they are also faced with the question of how they can drive these […]

Corona vaccine data targeted by hackers

On Wednesday evening, unknown hackers managed to penetrate the system of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). In doing so, they were able to capture individual pieces of information on a Corona vaccine that is currently in the approval process. The authority is currently reviewing the approval of the vaccine developed by the Mainz-based company Biontech […]

Critical infrastructure – Critical cybersecurity

Critical infrastructure in Germany is currently particularly at risk when it comes to cybersecurity. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 141 successful cyber attacks were reported until the beginning of November 2020. Of these, 43 were directed at healthcare providers. Last year there were 121 successful attempts in the critical infrastructure report and only 62 […]

Data protection and cybersecurity in the healthcare system

The digitalization of our healthcare system is progressing massively: The German federal government is promoting the networking of medical facilities through the so-called telematics infrastructure Telematik Infrastruktur, TI). As a result of the corona crisis, the need for online communication between doctors and patients has increased. In addition to these developments, the electronic patient file […]

Viruses in hospitals – Cybersecurity in the Corona pandemic

The corona pandemic is pushing hospitals and care facilities to their limits. And this also affects the cybersecurity of many facilities. According to Interpol, an increasing number of attacks on the IT network of hospitals has been reported in recent months. Particularly in the USA, the FBI has been warning since October about increasing cyber […]

Work from home – How to secure your IT remotely

Since the global epidemic of the new SARS-CoV2 virus in March, our society has faced many challenges. This also affects the way we work and especially where we work. As a result, many companies have suddenly and usually abruptly moved to work at home. According to Bitcom, almost every 2nd employee in Germany was affected […]